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Los estudios hispánicos como puente: coordinación y análisis de la calidad de actividades didácticas colectivas de difusión de la narrativa oral china

by Nicolás Giménez Doblas

Institution: University of Salamanca
Department: Faculty of Spanish
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Year: 2021
Keywords: China, Spanish, virtual community, oral narrative, teaching
Posted: 10/15/2022 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2222271
Full text PDF: https://www.educacion.gob.es/teseo/imprimirFichaConsulta.do?idFicha=685993#


The community made up of the teachers and students of Spanish is fragmented. In addition, there is no scientific methodology to analyze the quality of the educational and cultural activities carried out in this field, so neither their room for improvement nor their real impact and relevance are assessed. In this research, a model for planning these activities, implementing them, and evaluating them both qualitatively and quantitatively is proposed. This will allow to measure the excellence in the management of the activities, as well as the satisfaction of its participants and target audience. This research was carried out within the context of higher education in the People’s Republic of China, where I have worked for seven years. Between 2017 and 2020 I co-founded the initiative Puente with my students and coordinated it. The aim of this initiative was to show that Hispanic studies have the potential to reduce the lack of cultural awareness and the lack of communication and integration within the educational community. In addition, the initiative aimed to establish common goals. Social media, along with the dissemination of Chinese oral narrative and a communicative attitude, served as unifying elements to celebrate nationwide activities with a didactic, academic, and informative purpose. The objective of this initiative involves innovation and means a complement to formal teaching in the analysis of the complex local context outside the classroom. Both the methodology used, and the results obtained may be useful for future studies related to the organization of teaching and learning events, also for other languages and in other educational contexts. These events can promote friendliness and understanding amid the growing international tension.

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