Library Communications and the Arts

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An Examination of the Theory of the Commodity and its Application to Critical Media Studies

by Young, Jeffrey R.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida - USA
Advisor(s): Mike Budd, Christine Scodari, Fred Fejes
Degree: Master of Arts in Communication
Year: 1998
Volume: 105 pages
ISBN-10: 0965856402
ISBN-13: 9780965856409
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The theory of the commodity is used by critical theorists to explain the general organization and development of capitalist society. It was originally proposed by Marx, and subsequently developed by Lukacs and later Adorno and the Frankfurt School. Media scholars such as Dallas Smythe, Judith Williamson, Robert Goldman and Eileen Meehan have identified the commodity structure in several forms throughout the process of mass communication. Although commodity theory is not always articulated as a part of critical studies, it is useful for understanding the process of mass communication under capitalism. By investigating the dynamics of market processes and cultural innovation, this paper shows where the theory of the commodity fits into Critical Media Studies and suggests where some productive applications may be found.

About The Author

Dr. Young received a Ph.D. in Comparative Studies from Florida Atlantic University in 2009..

Paperback Edition


105 pages

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