Library Psychology

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Customized Job Enrichment and its Effect on Job Performance

by Feder, Ira

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Baruch College, City University of New York
Advisor(s): Donna T. Thompson
Degree: M.S., Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Year: 1999
Volume: 33 pages
ISBN-10: 1581120699
ISBN-13: 9781581120691
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A new type of highly customized job enrichment was studied for its impact on job performance, by comparing its impact on job performance to those resulting from classical job enrichment. The study was conducted on participants comprised of employees of a financial institution and a small section of a residential population. Participants (n=38) were Human Resources staff in the financial institution and of mixed professional occupations in the other group. The Job Diagnostic Survey was used to measure job enrichment, and performance ratings were used to measure job performance. Correlations between job enrichment and job performance were studied for those participants categorized in classically enriched jobs vs. those in jobs that had customized job enrichment. Certain limitations of this study did not allow for conclusive indications of job performance differences between the two groups.

New concepts relating Growth Need Strength to job characteristics and increased job performance are also discussed. New categorizations of various types of Growth Need Strength are discussed as they relate to increased job performance.

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