Library Political Science

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The Voices of Amerasians

Ethnicity, Identity, and Empowerment in Interracial Japanese Americans

by Murphy-Shigematsu, Stephen L H

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Harvard University - Cambridge MA, USA
Advisor(s): Richard Katz
Degree: Ed.D.
Year: 1999
Volume: 201 pages
ISBN-10: 158112080X
ISBN-13: 9781581120806
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Amerasians are persons of American and Asian ethnic heritage who have appeared as a group mainly in the past forty years. Beginning with the massive involvement of the United States in the Occupation of Japan, thousands of Amerasians have been born from Japan to Vietnam. In the U.S. they are the children of approximately eighty thousand American/Asian couples who have come here since that time.

This study sought to examine the lives of Amerasians in the United States. The primary research questions centered around finding the nature of Amerasian issues and concerns which are encountered in growing up in the U.S. How Amerasians attempted to resolve these issues and concerns was a major focus of the thesis.

Data was analyzed for themes using grounded theory. Themes of early experience were family issues, race and culture, assimilation, and difference and isolation. These themes articulate concerns of childhood and adolescence around being from an international, interracial, and inte

Paperback Edition


201 pages

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