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Accommodation: the Critical Element in Academic Success for Students At-risk

by Cantrell, Geary J

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Kennedy-Western University, US
Degree: Ph.D., Education
Year: 2000
Volume: 167 pages
ISBN-10: 1581120885
ISBN-13: 9781581120882
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The at-risk student population is growing larger in number with educators finding increased difficulty in meeting their diverse needs. Traditional teaching methods are not always working successfully. Accommodative services and aternative methods of education must be implemented in a fashion that will ignite students to success. Standard forms of statistical measurement (attendance, dropout, and graduation rates) have consistently shown negative ratings in schools across America. These measurements are indicators that students' educational needs are not being appropriately dealt with. This study shows how increased accommodation has a major impact on the educational success rates of at-risk students. It also reveals the importance of going beyond societal expectations and limits to reach students educationally. Finally, this study proves at-risk students will take responsibility for their educational success without losing accountability or being enabled.

Paperback Edition


167 pages

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