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Modern Trends In Global Banking Development

by Chiline, Viatcheslav V.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   University College Kensington (London)
Advisor(s): Dr. Geffrey Thomas
Degree: MBA
Year: 2002
Volume: 126 pages
ISBN-10: 1581121555
ISBN-13: 9781581121551
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Where banking is going in the future? What do banks want to see from the regulators of their particular niche of the banking industry? What do they expect customers to want from the new and exciting delivery channels that are coming into being? What major trends are going to matter during the next five and ten years? How do institutions see their own financial future?; These are main probing questions that we have been asking ourselves during the course of the research. The presentation of this work is organised to give the reader flexible means of understanding the major trends of the Global banking development. The material is largely non-technical--it is the ideas and concepts that are challenging, not the statistics.

One of the unique features of this work is that it is based on the ideas and beliefs that were most widely held by CEOÍs of 26 financial institutions- major wholesale and retails banks such as HSBC Holdings, Merrill Lynch & Co Inc., New York Federal Reserve, Lloyds TSB and Goldman Sachs.

Unlike many other works in this area, this research is devoted to the micro issues of banking. There are many excellent texts that study the macroeconomics of banking, and the role of financial institutions in a monetary economy. This area [micro issues] of banking is important. Bank professionals require a thorough grounding in the micro foundations of banking, if they are to make important managerial decisions, or implement banking policies. What exactly will be the nature of the future of banking? These pages provide you with comprehensive insight into where banking is going.

In order to provide a thorough understanding of the subject, this study begins by looking at the traditional theory of banking. A bank is a financial firm which offers loan and deposit products on the market. The intermediary role played by banks, another area of our interest, is the reason why banks exist in modern economies.

The main objective of Chapter 2 is to provide an overview of bank structures and related issues in industrialised countries, developing economies and emerging markets in Eastern Europe. Chapter 2 also considers various stylised facts on contemporary banking. It reveals some large differences between countries in the way banks operate. It reviews various performance measures of banks, and considers the results of several investigations of bank performance.

The remaining part of the research analyses modern trends of Global banking development. During the course of study the following trends were recognised as major and the most noteworthy ones: Consolidation, Globalisation, Development of Information Technology, Risk Management, Competition, The Euro, Regulation, Development in Asset Management.

About The Author

Was borne in Russia in 1978. Last 5 years spent working in the areas of Lending and Internatioanl Banking. Worked in Russia (SBS-AGRO Bank, Documentary Credit Operations) and the UK (Bristol & West plc, Mortgage Financing). Has also performed a research on "Financial Readjustment of a Commercial Bank", which reflected consiquences of Russia's economic crisis of 1998.

Paperback Edition


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