Library Health Sciences

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Attention Deficit Disorders

A Neurological Diagnostic Perspective

by Frates, Edward F.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   SABA University School Of Medicine, Netherlands-Antilles
Advisor(s): Dr. Sherman Fein
Degree: PhD, Health Science
Year: 2002
Volume: 151 pages
ISBN-10: 1581121563
ISBN-13: 9781581121568
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The effects of attention deficit disorders seem to touch many people's lives today, and the questions surrounding this disorder are many. There is more information regarding this disorder than at any time in its history. Unfortunately, there is just as much misinformation surrounding the facts of this disorder as ever. It is the intention of this book to, in some way, unveil a few misconceptions surrounding Attention Deficit Disorders; logically, medically, and more important scientifically. By exploring the history, etiology, comorbidity and neurological diagnostic perspectives, those in professional positions responsible for our children's welfare (teaching, nursery schools, childcare, parenting, and the medical community) may gain a better understanding of this condition.

Paperback Edition


151 pages

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