Library Business

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125 pages

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Violence in the Workplace

Preparation, Prevention and Response

by Spracale, Nicole R.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Columbia Southern University
Advisor(s): Dr. Manjone
Degree: MS - Human Resource Management
Year: 2002
Volume: 125 pages
ISBN-10: 1581121679
ISBN-13: 9781581121674
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In business today, it is critical for companies of all sizes to have a comprehensive Workplace Violence policy. Through the identification and definition of the four types of workplace violence most commonly recognized, the book seeks to provide low cost, no-cost, and full-scale programs. Each of the sub-sections reviews ways in which small and large businesses can prepare for each type of workplace violence, prevention tactics to minimize the risks of such incidents, and methods for responding to any and all situations. Included are sample policies, crisis management plans, procedures and training modules. Also included are resources, both public and private, which can help any business to create and implement their own workplace violence procedure.

Paperback Edition


125 pages

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