Library Astronomy & Space Science

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Communication of Information Technology Project Sponsors and Managers in Buyer-Seller Relationships

by Muller, Ralf

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Brunel University - Uxbridge, UK
Advisor(s): Prof J Rodney Turner
Degree: Doctor of Business Administration
Year: 2003
Volume: 255 pages
ISBN-10: 1581121989
ISBN-13: 9781581121988
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Communication is frequently identified in the literature as a major factor impacting Information Technology (IT) project failure. The importance of communication is amplified in buyer - seller relationships through the long-term impact of project failures on the future business of IT vendors with their customers.

The formal communication between IT project sponsors from buyer firms and project managers from IT vendor firms within business to business markets is investigated through this study. Typical communication patterns between project sponsor and manager in high and low performing projects are identified. The antecedents of these patterns are assessed and the effectiveness of project sponsor - manager communication investigated. A multi-method approach is used with a quantitative analysis of a worldwide survey with 200 responses, followed by a qualitative analysis of three interviews with pairs of project sponsor and manager, each pair from the same project.

Results show that project sponsors

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Paperback Edition


255 pages

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