Library Business

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Advertising vs. Marketing

The Ethical Challenge

by Kelly, Ileen E.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Kennedy-Western University, Cheyenne, WY, USA
Advisor(s): Allan Blair
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2005
Volume: 186 pages
ISBN-10: 1581122667
ISBN-13: 9781581122664
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Various business models have been presented each reflecting their strengths and weaknesses. The first model demonstrates consumer purchase behavior. The second model demonstrates marketing strategies. The third model demonstrates the use of various advertising vehicles and the last model demonstrates the human aspect that combines salesmanship and leadership with ethical business codes of conduct.

This researcher found a multitude of articles, books, journals, and websites on each topic and recognized the need for these models to merge. Based on the readings, you will observe the pros and cons which lead to the end results. Results from which decisions are judged as ethical including the decision making that requires the means to be ethical as well.

About The Author

Dr. Ileen E. Kelly, dedicated family member, educator, mentor, a twenty-nine year employee with the Chicago Tribune Newspaper; and instructor with the City College’s Continuing Adult Education programs.

Dr. Kelly learned at the hands of masters the skills it takes to be considered a partner to the advertisers and an asset to the company. This author is committed to continuing her education and developing her teaching and mentoring skills.

Authors Early Works: “Home Work – Technology Revolutionizing the Cottage Industry,” (1984). “The African American Woman – Lost in Corporate America.” (1985). “Advertising vs. Marketing, The Ethical Challenge” – is Dr. Kelly's second business reference source.

Paperback Edition


186 pages

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