Library Psychology

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The Effect of Exposure to Water on the Psychosomatic Development of Children Swimming in the Early Period of Development

by Smirnov, Igor

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Institution:   St.Petersburg University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Advisor(s): G. I. Akinshcikova, Ph.D.
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2005
Volume: 54 pages
ISBN-10: 1581122845
ISBN-13: 9781581122848
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The study of the general development of children in infancy assumes special significance in connection with the reform of schools providing general education and vocational schools, and also in connection with the change to starting systematic study at the age of 6 years. One way of solving this problem may be to look for methods stimulating a more dynamic psycho-physiological development of infants. The assumption is that during the first months of life, when psychosomatic development proceeds more rapidly •than in the adult, the study of the effect of environmental factors on the formation of sensitive periods in infancy, considering the fact that "... sensitive periods coincide absolutely with what we have called ... optimal learning times" (Vygotskii, 1956), is particularly interesting.

As a result of comprehensive studies of the development of human psycho physiological functions the heterochronicity and non-uniformity of development of memory, attention and thinking mere discovered and the enormous importance of sensitive periods for the formation and development of man's structured mental functions as an integral system lasting throughout ontogeny became evident. Our psychologist D.H. Gizatulina, in an investigation on children of preschool age, convincingly demonstrated the presence of heterochronicity and non-uniformity of development of the mental functions in children of that age group. Basic stages of development of mental activity in infancy have been distinguished in psychology, and the great importance of development of sensomotor functions on subsequent formation of the higher mental functions of attention, memory and so on, have been shown by the work of authorities such as Kolarova, Zurba and Kistekovskaya. In the present work it is suggested that, considering that the prerequisites for the development of swimming abilities exist in children in infancy (swimming movements are present from the age of 11 days to 6 months) water is evidently the optimal environmental factor to facilitate the more active development of sensomotor functions. In this work investigations of the psychosomatic development of children of preschool age, who swam from the first days of life, were carried out and certain facts were obtained to confirm the view that the psycho physiological development of such children is accelerated.

About The Author

Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy, Russia, obtaining M.S. in Mechanical and Bioengineering in 1975. In 1986 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University obtaining his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. In 1980’s he was actively involved in advanced research of influence of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations on human cellular structure conducted in St. Petersburg University. His knowledge and understanding of Engineering, Physics, Biology and Psychology helped him to develop a new technology (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology), which was successfully applied for treatment of various health problems including cancer and viral infections. He was awarded two US patents for this invention in February 2000 and April 2002.

He was also involved in advanced research and study of the psychosomatic development of children swimming in infancy. This research program was conducted at St. Petersburg Children Hospital. The results of this scientific research program was published and disseminated through the office of World Health Organization in Munich, Germany.

He was working as a scientific advisor and holistic practitioner at the Holistic counseling Center of Dr. Colin in Bell Air, the Holistic Medical Center of Dr. Levin in Beverly Hills, at the Sport and Preventive Medicine Group in Santa Monica, and Healthway Inc. in Los Angeles.

Igor Smirnov is also extensively lecturing and conducting workshops. He gave lectures at the Human/Dolphin Foundation of Dr. John Lilly (Malibu, CA), Boston Theosophical Society, American River Society (Auburn, CA), Washington Research Institute (San Francisco, CA), Water Retreat Center (Boston, MA), National University of Singapore (Singapore), The First Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (Soul, Korea), Healthway Inc. (Hong Kong, Taipei), just to name a few.

He was also publishing articles on the aspects of Molecular Resonance Effect Technology and holistic medicine in St. Petersburg University Press, Almanac Panorama, Whole Life Times, Explore magazine, Electric Spacecraft Journal, Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, etc.

He is on board of scientific advisors for Quantum Biotech Ltd., Singapore, Health Relations Ltd., Bangkok Thailand.