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The Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Treating Female Infertility

by Albertson, Kathleen

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Clayton College of Natural Health (Birmingham, USA)
Advisor(s): Janice Martin
Degree: PhD Holistic Nutrition
Year: 2007
Volume: 215 pages
ISBN-10: 1581123515
ISBN-13: 9781581123517
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Infertility affects more than 3 million married couples in the United States. This study explored the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for treating female infertility. Surveys queried allopathic practitioners and TCM practitioners regarding their perceived knowledge and use of TCM. The vast majority of allopathic practitioners referred patients to acupuncturists and believed that acupuncture helped patients. The majority of respondents identified a trend for treating female infertility with TCM and Western medical procedures. The majority of respondents supported the concurrent use of allopathic protocols and TCM but did not support the concurrent use of TCM and Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM). More than 62% of respondents expressed familiarity with clinical studies that used TCM for treating stress, depression, and irregular menstrual cycles. Positive results from evidence-based studies would likely encourage allopathic practitioners to use TCM and adopt a more holistic, collaborative approach for treating female infertility.

About The Author

Kathleen Albertson is a licensed Acupuncturist/herbalist and holistic nutritionist specializinging Traditional Chinee Medicine and fertility. A gradutate from SAMRA School of Oriental Medicine in 1995, she has trained both here in the US and in China.She also hold a Master's degree in Counseling and Personnel from Western Michigan University, and a BS in Business from Colorado State University.