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Surviving Stress

A Study of Professional Women's Stress Levels, Their Genetic Resiliency, and Herbal Adaptogens as an Effective Intervention

by Wilson-Hare, Lynda K.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Clayton College of Natural Health (Birmingham Alabama, USA)
Advisor(s): Dr. Janice Martin
Degree: PhD in Natural Health
Year: 2007
Volume: 78 pages
ISBN-10: 1581123647
ISBN-13: 9781581123647
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A study of professional women was initiated to determine if herbal adaptogens have any effect on improving resiliency for coping with stress. An herbal adaptogen is an herb that helps the body adjust to difficult or extreme circumstances (Derrida, 2004). An iridology assessment was completed to define the subjects’ genetic profile for resiliency. It was hypothesized that if the person were genetically resilient, herbal adaptogens would not be effective, as their stress-handling capabilities were naturally strong. Through resiliency questionnaires, a positive improvement in the ability to manage stress was noted in 11 out of 12 subjects’ post-herbal intake. This research suggested that our ability to recover from stress is not totally related to our genetic properties, and can be enhanced with herbal supplements.

About The Author

Lynda Wilson-Hare has her Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics, Masters Degree in Business Administration and PhD in Natural Health. She also holds her Certificate in Iridology theory and Practice and is Certified with the International Iridology Practitioners Association. Lynda has 16 years experience working in Occupational Health & Safety Management.