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A Leadership Perspective for Understanding Police Suicide

An Analysis Based on the Suicide Attitude Questionnaire

by Ramos, Orlando

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Capella University (Minneapolis, MN)
Advisor(s): Kathleen Henry, PhD; Rubye Howard Braye, PhD; David Lester, PhD
Degree: Ph.D. in Organization and Management
Year: 2008
Volume: 139 pages
ISBN-10: 1581123876
ISBN-13: 9781581123876
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This study examines suicide perceptions of police officers from two groups, east coast officers and west coast officers. To investigate this problem, the researcher conducted a quantitative analysis utilizing a previously validated instrument. Participants of this study voluntarily completed the Suicide Attitude Questionnaire (SUIATT), administered by the National Police Suicide Foundation. The participants consisted of 75 sworn officers from each group varying in age, education, experience, and job description. This study also examined various leadership styles and makes recommendations for leaders to improve upon or implement police suicide prevention training. Risks factors and warning signs were identified by participating officers, which may assist supervisors in identifying potential officers at risk.

About The Author

The suicide death of a friend/co-worker motivated the author to research the area of police suicide. Orlando Ramos is a trooper with the New Jersey State Police, currently as an academy instructor. He is also a trainer/consultant with the National Police Suicide Foundation. In August of 2007, he earned a doctorate degree in Organization and Management from Capella University.

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