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301 pages
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301 pages
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A Social Contract with Business as the Basis for a Postmodern MBA in a World of Inclusive Globalisation
A Critical Metasynthesis
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Institution: | University of South Africa (Pretoria, South Africa) |
Advisor(s): | Prof. Drikus Kriek |
Degree: | Doctor of Business Leadership |
Year: | 2009 |
Volume: | 301 pages |
ISBN-10: | 1599422905 |
ISBN-13: | 9781599422909 |
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In A Social Contract with Business as the Basis for a Postmodern MBA in a World of Inclusive Globalisation, Jopie Coetzee places the MBA qualification on the centre stage of the 21st century's global challenges facing humanity. He makes three substantial and original contributions to the field of Business Leadership. Firstly, he introduces a new research methodology, termed critical metasynthesis. Secondly, he presents a new model, termed The Social Contract with Business as the raison d'ĂȘtre for postmodern business. Thirdly, he develops a new educational context, a new vocabulary, as well as guidelines for a new canon of knowledge for business education and curriculum design for the postmodern MBA.
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"This book should be of keen interest to those charged with the task of redesigning MBA education as well as to those of us who teach MBAs."
Academy of Management Learning and Education (March 2011,
Volume 10 (1), p166-167)
301 pages
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