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Organizational Culture, Macro and Micro Empowerment Dimensions, and Job Satisfaction

An Application of Concurrent Mixed and Multi-Level Methods in the Federal Sector

by Bailey, Timothy L.

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Institution:   Touro University International (Cypress, CA, USA)
Advisor(s): Dr. Daniel Corcoran; Dr. Joanne C. Preston; Dr. J.D. Eveland
Degree: Ph.D. in Business Administration
Year: 2009
Volume: 277 pages
ISBN-10: 1599422913
ISBN-13: 9781599422916
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This dissertation examined the interrelationship of organizational culture; macro (structural) and micro (psychological) empowerment; and job satisfaction. Specifically, this dissertation: (1) built upon the insights and framework of prior research literature that suggest the relationship of macro (structural) and micro (psychological) empowerment and its effect on job satisfaction (2) expanded existing empowerment models by introducing organizational culture as an influential organizational phenomenon (3) assessed the level of degree how organizational subculture groups perceive organizational culture, macro (structural) and micro (psychological) empowerment; and job satisfaction contextual attributes. The dissertation utilized mixed method research combining both a quantitative and qualitative study with a triangulation of methods. The quantitative study employed a sample of 258 federal government employees and used hierarchical linear modeling techniques, multiple regression, hierarchical regression analysis, and independent T-test of sample means to test for main and mediator effects. The qualitative study employed a sample of 69 federal government employees and used open-ended content analysis to analyze data. Results from the quantitative study revealed that there are strong and positive relationships of organizational culture; macro empowerment, micro empowerment; and job satisfaction. Further, the quantitative study revealed that occupational subculture influences the level of perception of organizational culture; macro and micro empowerment; and job satisfaction. Results from the qualitative study provided rich and robust descriptive results complementing the quantitative study.

About The Author

Timothy L. Bailey received his high school diploma from Walter Hines Page High School in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1981. Also in 1981, he began his collegiate education at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina where he received academic enlightenment in an intellectual environment. In 1985, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the university. In 1996, he graduated Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland where he received a Master of Arts in Administrative Management with a concentration in Public Administration while working full-time and raising a family with his wife Debra. Timothy started his professional career with the federal government in 1985. During his federal government career, he has worked for the Department of Army, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Department of Veterans Affairs. Professionally, Timothy is a Certified Government Financial Manager.