Library Psychology

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An Integrative Feedback Model of Schizophrenia

by Friedman, Daniel L.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Illinois School of Professional Psychology (Chicago, IL, USA)
Advisor(s): Dr. Eliezer Schwartz, Dr. Margaret Warner, Dr. Toby Perlman
Degree: Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology
Year: 2011
Volume: 52 pages
ISBN-10: 1599423995
ISBN-13: 9781599423999
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This paper presents a conceptual model that integrates multi-disciplinary findings in order to develop a more comprehensive view of the etiology and development of schizophrenia. The model attempts to compile the various variables that may place an individual at risk for or protect them from developing schizophrenia. The model utilizes a feedback loop, in order to depict a continuous state of interaction with all relevant variables. Consistent with this continuous interaction, the model assumes schizophrenia can develop through multiple pathways. This is critical in order to understand a disorder like schizophrenia that does not have a pure genetic, neurological, or environmental source of causation. A literature review is presented to expand on research covering each of the relevant variables of the model, including genetic, neurological, and environmental. This model is intended as a conceptual tool to develop testable hypotheses for the purpose of developing potentially valuable solutions, such as early intervention programs.