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Six Sigma Leadership

A Study of Six Sigma Black Belts in Conjunction with Transactional and Transformational Leadership

by Loethen, Lora L.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Argosy University (Tampa, Florida)
Advisor(s): Andrew Ghillyer, PhD
Degree: Doctor of Business Administration
Year: 2008
Volume: 112 pages
ISBN-10: 1599426900
ISBN-13: 9781599426907
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Six Sigma is a quality improvement initiative that has evolved over 20 years and is utilized in organizations around the world. The initiative is deployed by a variety of personnel, with Six Sigma Black Belts facilitating the individual projects that serve to reduce waste and enhance customer value throughout all departments within organizations. Extensive education and training is required to become a Six Sigma Black Belt; however, this training rarely, if ever, contains leadership training. As leadership is important to the overall success of the Six Sigma projects and thus, the overall initiative, it is important to know if Six Sigma Black Belts have adequate leadership skills to facilitate Six Sigma project teams. This study serves to quantify Six Sigma Black Belts' leadership abilities through Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.

About The Author

Dr. Lori L. Loethen is an associate with Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. in McLean, Virginia. She has both industry and governmental experience, working primarily in financial and strategic roles.