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A Best Practice Process for Collaboration Based on Knowledge Created by Internal Coaches and Six Sigma Green Belts

by Pollock, Steven R.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Columbia Southern University [Orange Beach; AL; USA]
Advisor(s): Dr. R. Scott Chavez; Dr. Corinne Patrick; Dr. Janice Spangenburg
Degree: Doctor of Business Administration
Year: 2013
Volume: 99 pages
ISBN-10: 1612334121
ISBN-13: 9781612334127
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This doctoral dissertation performs correlational analysis using a validated instrument to collect data from internal coaches and certified Six Sigma Green Belts about their perceptions of the key drivers of project outcomes. The data were collected from a large healthcare organization in the United States.
The conclusion of the study is that internal coaching positively influences project outcomes. The internal coaches and Green Belts studied, however, do not agree on how collaboration occurs. The internal coaches did not perceive they support Green Belt teams in a consistent manner. The general theme for the internal coaches was the value they placed on their coaching expertise and education level when supporting Green Belts. On the other hand, the Green Belts perceived the support given by internal coaches happens in a consistent manner across a wide range of the variables and predictors in the study. The general theme for the Green Belts was the value they placed on collaborating with the internal coaches and the clarity of what internal coaching support looks like in the context of completing a Green Belt project. The comprehensive nature of support important to Green Belts suggests an opportunity for creating better alignment around the key inputs of project coaching.
The study recommends a collaboration tool for facilitating the alignment of internal coaches and Green Belts. The collaboration tool uses study results for (a) Establishing expectations before the project begins, (b) Monitoring status of expectations during the project, (c) Measuring collaboration quality after the project, and (d) Sharing lessons learned. The collaboration tool is the best practice contribution to the Six Sigma body of knowledge. The collaboration tool promotes Six Sigma program sustainability through knowledge creation contributed by internal coaches and Green Belts. The study does not evaluate the adoption and effectiveness of the collaboration tool on project outcomes.

About The Author

Steve Pollock is an experienced and successful quality management expert and adult educator. His credentials include DBA, MBA, MPA, and BBA degrees, and ASQ certifications in Six Sigma Black Belt, Quality Engineer, and Quality Auditor as well as IQF certification in Six Sigma Master Black Belt. Pollock's professional honors include ASQ Fellow, Review Board for The Journal for Quality and Participation, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Examiner, and quality management publications in peer reviewed journals. He currently works for Humana, Inc. in the Enterprise Consulting Group as the Director of Quality Engineering, and is an Adjunct Professor at Indiana Wesleyan University's Louisville, Kentucky campus.