Academic Dissertations in the News

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That’s Dr. Marijuana Pepsi to you! Black woman with unique name earns PhD with dissertation on others like her.

7 July 2019

While much of the country has been busy legalizing lower-case marijuana, the woman born into the name has built a successful life.

Read more at Journal Sentinel.

Sworn to The Sword: Defending My Dissertation & Heading to Princeton

9 June 2019

Twenty years ago, my mother called a computer science professor to settle an argument about chemistry.... I knew I would be defending my thesis. I didn’t realize that Ethan literally planned to attack me.


Finnish researcher looks to blue-green algae for biodiesel production

27 May 2019

Jämsä extensively studied the topic for his doctoral dissertation and said that converting algae into biodiesel would also help clean wastewater.


Putin's Purported Daughter Defends Dissertation

17 May 2019

Katerina Tikhonova, who is said to be the daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, defended her dissertation at Moscow State University on May 24. Cameras were not present when she spoke, but a Current Time journalist filmed her speaking on his mobile phone.


UNH beer inspired by 1600s Smuttynose tavern

8 May 2019

Hampshire's Brewing Science Laboratory are using the Smuttynose Island tavern, discovered through archaeological excavations beginning in 2009, and further detailed in a more recent dissertation from a PhD student, as inspiration for a "history beer" project. They're now in the process of brewing a beer that "would have" been drank at the 1600s tavern, based on extensive research from that time, and using both George Washington and Ben Franklin's handwritten beer recipes.


When It Comes to Dissertations, Done Is Best

19 March 2019

Why the old adage is still useful. By Katie Shives


A Done Dissertation Isn’t The Best Dissertation

16 March 2019

Prioritizing research quality over speed. By Wendy Robinson


Augmentation of labor with higher doses of oxytocin does not reduce rate of cesarean sections

2 February 2019

In her dissertation, Lotta Selin, a midwife, studied data on a total of 2,775 births in Sweden. She has focused on the risk and outcomes of delayed labor and how augmentation of labor with oxytocin is managed.

She found that delayed labor increases the risk of a cesarean section, even among women who receive oxytocin for augmentation of labor. The rate of cesarean section among first-time mothers is not reduced if the administered dose is doubled either, according to a dissertation from Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Read more at

Preventing Dissertation Burnout

4 January 2019

Some advice to help you push through the stress during the final stages of your dissertation by Megan Poorman

Read the article at

Duke Mathematician Jiuya Wang Wins Dissertation Prize

24 December 2018

Jiuya Wang, Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor of Mathematics, has been awarded the 2019 Dissertation Prize by the Association for Women in Mathematics


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