Library Sociology

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The Early Conservation Movement in Argentina and the National Park Service

A Brief History of Conservation, Development, Tourism and Sovereignty

by Oyola-Yemaiel, Arthur

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
Advisor(s): William Vickers, Stephen Fjellman, Janet Chernela
Degree: M.S. Sociology
Year: 2000
Volume: 165 pages
ISBN-10: 1581120982
ISBN-13: 9781581120981
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This study explores the emergence and development of the conservation movement in Argentina during the twentieth century. I argue that the development of the conservation movement has been linked to shifts in the broader spectrum of Argentina's political arena as well as the international political situation as nations competed for the sovereignty of newly acquired territories after the Indian Wars. This book explores the development of Argentina as a nation in relation to conservation of its natural resources as a counter measure to resource extraction. Thus, I establish the relationship between the need for national sovereignty and socio-economic development via the formulation of nature based tourism industry. This strategy was developed by Excequiel Bustillo and spearheaded by the formation of National Park System. The environmental movement in Argentina has been based on the principles of utilitarianism, and the National Park System of Argentina was instrumental in establishing hegemonic national identity and sovereignty in Patagonia. The National Park System institutionalized and for many years was the leading force behind conservation of Argentina's natural resources, and it fostered social and economic development of remote areas through nature based tourism practices.

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165 pages

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