Library Sociology

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Cultural Values and the Family beyond Year 2000

Principles, Policies and Reality

by Hevi, Jacob K.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   University of Innsbruck, Institute of European Ethnology, Austria
Advisor(s): Prof. Leander Petzoldt
Degree: DPhil (Reha.), European Ethnology
Year: 2002
Volume: 335 pages
ISBN-10: 1581121636
ISBN-13: 9781581121636
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Culture is dynamic. But in cultural (ethnic) groups certain elements of culture such as cultural values relating to the family are regarded indispensable for social order, and therefore for the survival of the society. Accordingly those concerned strive to maintain social order by rediscovering what they regard as traditional cultural values. The thesis of this study is: the process of the development of cultural values relating to the family can be defined as "Spiral Involution"; namely a development through interparticipative stages, each stage (past or present) participating in the other, as impulse to further development. Therefore the proposition of this study is: dialogal-value-system-concordance, a conscious intervention by those concerned through dialogue towards optimal social order.

Paperback Edition


335 pages

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