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Individualized Education

Understanding in Light of the Introduction of the Progressive/Regressive Forming and Establishing Developmental Model, as a Human Right That Ultimately Promotes Higher Quality of Life Globally Through Local Practices

by Hoover, Gary L.

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Institution:   Commonwealth Open University, British Virgin Islands (UK)
Advisor(s): Maria D. Teres, Ed.D.
Degree: Ph.D. Education
Year: 2003
Volume: 244 pages
ISBN-10: 1581121857
ISBN-13: 9781581121858
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Individualized Education: Understanding in Light of the Introduction of the Progressive/Regressive Forming and Establishing Developmental Model, as a Human Right That Ultimately Promotes Higher Quality of Life Globally Through Local Practices is an interdisciplinary Ph. D. thesis that analyzes and discusses the importance, influences, and practicality of IEPs (Individualized Educational Programs) in global terms. Furthermore, this thesis statement introduces the Progressive/Regressive Forming and Establishing Developmental Model. This model is a theoretical tool for analyzing individuals in light of social expected norms and how synergy of collective individuals, families, and social organizations local through global positive and negative potential synergy. Using this model, IEPs can be best designed to help global development by ensuring individuals the right to be educated in ways that each individual finds meaningful.

The research for this project was conducted by Gary Leroy Hoover over a six-year period while working with students in public and private institutions, private homes, and domestic and foreign corporations. The class size ranged from one on one to groups as large as sixty students, and the age range of students was from age three to over age sixty. While the main orientation of curriculum for students was ESL the main focus of the research was to incorporate ESL into the established life patterns and interests of each student. Furthermore, the program worked to determine the effectiveness of individualized programs that adapted to the desired study schedules of each student.

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