Library Philosophy, Religion, and Theology

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Origen of Alexandria and St. Maximus the Confessor

An Analysis and Critical Evaluation of Their Eschatological Doctrines

by Moore, Edward

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   St. Elias School of Orthodox Theology Seward, NE, USA
Advisor(s): Mar Melchizedek, Elizabeth Brown
Degree: Doctorate of Philosophy
Year: 2005
Volume: 230 pages
ISBN-10: 1581122616
ISBN-13: 9781581122619
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The revision of Origen's philosophical theology by St. Maximus the Confessor resulted in an eschatology involving the replacement of the human ego by the divine presence. In this study, I will examine the theological developments that led to this loss of a sense of human freedom and creativity in the face of the divine, tracing the influence of Origen's eschatology through the Cappadocian Fathers, Evagrius Ponticus and others, up to Maximus. This will allow me to show the manner in which Origen's humanistic theology was misunderstood and misinterpreted throughout the Patristic era, culminating in the anti-personalistic system of Maximus. Special attention will be paid to the development of Christian Neoplatonism, and how Christian contacts with the pagan philosophical schools came to have a profound effect on Eastern Patristic theology and philosophy. The final section of this study will suggest some ways in which the history of Patristic eschatology - especially Origen and Maximus - may serve as a fruitful source for contemporary theologians who are concerned with issues of personhood, creativity, and existential authenticity.

About The Author

Edward Moore studied philosophy at New York University and theology at Columbia University. He received an S.T.L. and Ph.D. from St. Elias School of Orthodox Theology (Nebraska), where he is presently serving as Dean of Faculty of the Department of Philosophy. In addition, he is Executive Editor of Theandros: An Online Journal of Orthodox Christian Theology and Philosophy, and Area Editor (Late Hellenistic Philosophy) for The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. He has written articles and reviews in Quodlibet, Symposium, Philosophy in Review, and Bryn Mawr Classical Review.

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