Library Philosophy, Religion, and Theology

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Spiritual Healing and the Special Needs Child

by Snyder, Debra J.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   American Institute of Holistic Theology (Birmingham, Alabama, USA)
Advisor(s): George Donnelly
Degree: Doctorate of Philosophy in Metaphysics
Year: 2007
Volume: 36 pages
ISBN-10: 1581123582
ISBN-13: 9781581123586
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Spiritual healing modalities are powerful tools, which enhance holistic and allopathic methods in caring for special needs children. This research paper explores four methods of spiritual healing, which benefit disabled children on all levels of existence. The spiritual healing techniques of Touch Therapy, Sound Therapy, Channeling and Love Therapy address the unique mind-body-spirit requirements of the pediatric special needs community. Spiritual healing empowers parents and caretakers to take the responsibility of healing into their own homes and to enhance communication with their child via the Divine Spirit in ways not normally explored in traditional approaches. The scientific study of energy medicine further adds credibility to alternative models of healing and opens the minds of allopathic practitioners. Implementing a protocol of Spiritual healing for special needs children bridges the emerging scientific knowledge of energy with holistic approaches and traditional allopathic methods, unlocking the door to the expansion of Spirit Consciousness for all.

About The Author

Debra Snyder, PhD is the creator of HeartGlow Intuitive Energy Therapy for the Special Needs Child. She holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology and is the President of The Maine Center for Spiritual Enrichment, a non-profit interfaith organization. Deb is an inspirational speaker and teacher to groups large and small and offers instruction on HeartGlow in private sessions, classes and seminars throughout the country. She also offers Spiritual Counseling, Energy Therapy and Holistic Education through The Maine Center for Spiritual Enrichment. Her dedication to special needs children begins with her own daughter, Raegan Aria, who was born with a rare brain malformation. Raegan has been an inspiration in advancing Deb's knowledge and exploring the far reaches of the Universe.