Library Education

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Using New Media in the Task-Based German Conversation Classroom

by Fassbender, Rene

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Institution:   Carthage College (Kenosha, WI, USA)
Advisor(s): Greg Baer
Degree: M.Ed.
Year: 2009
Volume: 138 pages
ISBN-10: 1599427125
ISBN-13: 9781599427126
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The main purpose of this study is to demonstrate how new audiovisual media, such as YouTube, can be effectively combined with task-based teaching approaches for communicative language teaching at the advanced level. Based on an examination of prior research, this study generates a set of criteria which are essential to the development of task-based units that utilize authentic video material to increase students' cultural awareness and communicative skills. The proposed sample units serve as models for instructors to use the presented criteria for the creation of further language activities and units that will effectively incorporate new media and task-based teaching within an engaging, student-centered learning environment.