Library Philosophy, Religion, and Theology

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When The Rooster Crows

God, Suffering and Being In the World

by Perri, Vincent L.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Year: 2023
Volume: 288 pages
ISBN-10: 1627344500
ISBN-13: 9781627344500
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This book closely examines our commonly held beliefs about human suffering, and offers unique insights into God's role in why we suffer.

Dr. Perri critically examines what it means to be human from a Judeo-Christian perspective, and extrapolates from the work of Carl Gustav Jung showing a deeply complex development of human transcendence in human suffering. On an interpersonal level, Dr. Perri elaborates on the work of Martin Buber and Emanuel Levinas and shows how our suffering can be shared and lessened by our unconditionality and presence for the other. Scriptural passages are quoted from both the Hebrew and New Testament texts, and are used to depict the suffering of humankind as seen in the face of Job. It was this face, according to Perri, that Jesus saw in the faces of those He came to redeem, and that ultimately brought Him to the crucifix of redemption. Dr. Perri challenges Sartre's position that our existence precedes our essence, and draws on the work of Abraham Joshua Heschel and Christian theology in this regard. He further elaborates a neurodevelopmental paradigm that creates essence as the basis of our freedom to choose. This book can be read and studied by both professionals in the helping and healing professions, and lay persons seeking to better understand our suffering, and how to better help those who suffer. Dr. Perri offers specific ways in how to be present for those who suffer, how to read and receive the hidden language of human suffering, and how to use silence as a communication skill.

About The Author

Dr. Perri is a graduate of Life University and a diplomate in the International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy. He holds two doctoral degrees and a certification in clinical psychotherapy and is a master level life coach. He has an integrated practice in Waterbury, Connecticut where he focuses on nutrition, life style interventions, and manipulative therapy. He can be reached at