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Anaemia and malaria are two related problems of public health significance in malaria-endemic countries, including Ghana, that continue to impact negatively on pregnancy outcomes, despite interventions being put in place to address them. The reasons for the apparent lack of efficacy of routine iron supplementation in reducing the risks of preterm and other adverse pregnancy outcomes are not clearly established in Ghana. It is not also known whether all pregnant women benefit from iron supplementation and whether there are some other factors that limit the effectiveness of prenatal iron supplem...

Co-teaching originated in the 1960’s, when it was popularized as an example of progressive education. Progressivism mandates that schools should be "child-centered" with the curriculum and instruction tailored to facilitate the development of the individual, based on scientific methodology. John Dewey was instrumental in advancing the merits of a progressive education and co-teaching is just one tenet utilized to advance his theories for development and learning. Due to the ever-changing nature of education in an increasingly more diverse society, modified forms of instruction, such as co-teac...

This study investigated whether known international business theories available in the literature are meaningful enough to explain the role of international companies in Nigeria. The research examines factors that are likely to influence Nigeria's cultural and ethical values, or contributes to Nigeria's socio-economic development and prosperity. Questionnaires were distributed in four major cities of Nigeria to 600 international companies' customers in four separate shopping malls; all the questionnaires were collected back. This represents a total response rate of 100 percent, which is adequa...

The tobacco industry has always shown much interest in marketing their line of products and have been very successful in portraying smoking as a socially acceptable behavior to billions of people throughout the world. Studies have shown in developed nations that tobacco marketing leads to the onset of smoking among adolescents; in Nigeria, no such study has been done. The purpose of this research is to assess the potential influence of tobacco marketing on tobacco consumption among rural and urban residents in the southwestern region of Nigeria. The survey was designed by the researcher: thir...

Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) are a new type of computer interface which have human-like bodies and conversational skills. Users interacting with agents will be more engaged and participative if the agents exhibit behaviors which look coherent across different situations and emotional states. In the present work, we aim at increasing agents' believability by looking at two main aspects of the problem: - an agent must be able to show its emotional state and communicative intentions not only through specific facial expressions, gestures, etc., but also by varying the quality of its mov...

The aim of this study was to determine if there were gender differences in the performance of Chemistry practical skills among senior six girls and boys in selected mixed secondary schools in Kampala District from February to March 2004. The study participants were drawn from five mixed secondary schools in the district. A total of fifty students participated, half of them girls and the other half boys. A cross sectional descriptive research design was used involving both quantitative and qualitative research strategies. The instruments of data collection were a Chemistry practical test (Qua...

This study investigated the process of knowledge transfer during a company takeover. The target company is a small international company with offices in six countries that specializes in hydrology. The acquiring company is a large multinational with offices around the world. The acquirer has no experience in the hydrology business and this represents their first experience with the industry. A further factor in the study is looking at how the takeover is affected by differences in culture between the two businesses. The acquirer is very structured and the acquired highly informal. Data for th...

This research study examines legal, political, and social factors influencing women's decisions to undergo or forego abortion. It also suggests ways to increase accessibility of abortion services. Due to time and budgetary constraints, the study was conducted by utilizing secondary data, such as academic studies, scholarly publications, and newspaper articles. Studies have shown that common reasons for women having abortions are financial difficulties, rape/incest, and fear of life change. Barriers to abortion include lack of adequate information on abortion services or proper contraception us...

Lay participation in the criminal justice process in the form of a jury is a celebrated phenomenon throughout the common law jurisdictions. While not claiming credit for its origin, England, as the latent cradle of the modern jury, disseminated this mode of trial to a great part of the world through colonization. Yet, trial by jury does not enjoy constitutional protection under English law. The system has been under severe criticism, curtailment and considerable pressure in recent times, perhaps far more than in other countries. Critics have demanded reform or outright abolition and supporters...

There is a need to understand the factors correlating with teachers' instructional use of computers, because much of the present research focuses on students rather than teachers. This study examines several factors relating to the use of computers in the classroom by teachers. The factors examined include teacher attitudes, emotions, beliefs, and outside influences. This was done by a review of the present literature, administering two surveys, and analyzing the survey data. Questionnaires were distributed to faculty at five randomly selected high schools in a Midwest city participating in th...

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