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This study investigates possible links between temporary separation from parents in childhood due to evacuation in World War 2 and later psychological development and adult relationships. The conclusions from an earlier qualitative pilot study had suggested that the developmental outcome of evacuation was perceived by those involved as lying on a continuum, at one extreme the experience was 'life-enhancing' and at the other it had left an 'emotional legacy' depending on an individual's experience. This present lifespan survey using self report questionnaires and involving 900 respondents from ...

Christian Right groups’ recent campaigns to ban same-sex marriage hide more than an antigay agenda, encompassing a much greater discussion on the meaning of American freedom. This thesis takes starting point in a conundrum formed by conservative Christian claims, defining personal freedom in a restriction of individual liberties. This authoritarian concept of freedom has not gone uncontested, and a current field for this semantic struggle lies within the national debate on same-sex marriage. Concordantly, the purpose is to analyse how the Christian Right justifies its opposition. The current ...

Internalizing problems are common among adolescents. Poor outcomes such as academic failure, substance misuse, and adult mental health problems have all been linked to internalizing problems. Although the potential effects are serious, internalizing disorders tend to be under-diagnosed and under-treated. To compound the problem, research in the area of internalizing disorders continues to lag behind that of other disorders. In the last ten years, however, research has indicated that relationships with parents, gender, and self-esteem are factors associated with internalizing disorders. T...

Air streams discharged from industrial sources contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for which environmental regulations are being increasingly restrictive. Biofiltration is an environmentally friendly technology for treatment of waste gases containing relatively low concentration of VOCs, because of its simplicity, low cost and non-generating hazardous residues. In this work, three laboratory-scale peat biofilters were operated at 90s empty bed residence time for a continuous period of 7 months. Biodegradation of ethyl acetate, toluene, or a 1:1 mixture were investigated (these compounds ...

Despite the advent of second wave feminism in the late 1960s, it took more than twenty years before feminist literary criticism started to pay attention to the complex role of women Beat writers. Merely Being There Is Not Enough theorizes the memoirs of Diane di Prima, Joyce Johnson, Hettie Jones, and Brenda Frazer, and analyzes their contributions to the Beat movement. Among the writings of female Beat authors, the memoir has become the most commonly used literary genre. At the height of the Beat movement, Frazer published Troia: Mexican Memoirs in 1969, the same year that saw the publicatio...

In economic experiments decisions often differ from game-theoretic predictions. Why are people generous in one-shot ultimatum games with strangers? Is there a benefit to generosity toward strangers? Research on the neural substrates of decisions suggests that some choices are hormone-dependent. By artificially stimulating subjects with neuroactive hormones, we can identify which hormones and brain regions participate in decision-making, to what degree and in what direction. Can a hormone make a person generous while another stingy? In this paper, two laboratory experiments are described using ...

The study examines the tourism and tourism financing in triangular form. The first is the impact of tourism and tourism financing on the economic growth and development of the country. The second is the response of the Tourism Business Enterprises (demand side) about the pattern and effectiveness of tourism financing and the third one is the views of the Banks and Financial Institutions (supply side). It uses both primary and secondary data and applies various mathematical and statistical tools such as ratio analysis, correlation coefficient, Phi-coefficient, Chi-square test, t-Test for two s...

This dissertation is concerned with resources for economic development in cities in Africa. It argues for the greater understanding of the dynamics, practices and cultures within popular neighbourhoods and for recognising the creativity within them as a critical resource. Such an appeal is apt in a context where informal initiative has been suppressed, neglected and its potential wider influence curtailed. This paper takes the view that the popular neighbourhood is not just a place of needs, nor are its resources important only for addressing its own pressing issues; rather, it can be a major ...

River stage or flow rates are required for the design and evaluation of hydraulic structures. Most river reaches are ungauged and a methodology is needed to estimate the stages, or rates of flow, at specific locations in streams where no measurements are available. Flood routing techniques are utilised to estimate the stages, or rates of flow, in order to predict flood wave propagation along river reaches. Models can be developed for gauged catchments and their parameters related to physical characteristics such as slope, reach width, reach length so that the approach can be applied to ungauge...

Physicians and patients have received inaccurate medical laboratory test results that have put patients at risk. The purpose of this study is to determine the moral reasoning level of medical laboratory professionals. The theoretical framework that guided this study is grounded by the theories of cognitive development. The study used a population survey and Defining Issues Test, version 2 (DIT-2) questionnaires to collect data. Forty-seven participants from a medical laboratory were surveyed, and hypotheses were tested between moral reasoning scores (dependent variable) and age, gender, level ...

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