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We present the results of a large-area survey for millisecond pulsars (MSPs) at moderately high galactic latitudes with the 64 m Parkes radio telescope, along with follow-up timing and optical studies of the newly-discovered pulsars and several others. Major results include the first precise measurement of the mass of a fully recycled pulsar and measurement of orbital period decay in a double neutron star binary system allowing a test of general relativity along with improved measurements of the neutron star masses. In a survey of approx. 4,150 square degrees, we discovered 26 previously unkn...

The topic of tourism development has been explored by a number of scholars and increasingly, over the past decade, more literature has become available on tourism development on small islands . For many of the small island territories or nations, they share a number of major issues in the area of tourism. These include vast distances from source markets, foreign investment and the resulting leakage of revenue, over-dependence on tourism (mono-structured economy), dependence on imports, and an overburdened infrastructure, just to name a few (Gössling 2003; Harrison, 2004; McElroy, 2006). Most ...

Using a quantitative causal-comparative approach, the researcher conducted a relational study that compared injured and rehabilitated soldiers with no religious foundation to similar soldiers possessing religious preferences and spirituality. The two primary research questions were (a) Does religious preference and spirituality have a positive impact on the retention and attrition rates of injured soldiers? (b) Does an injured soldier’s frequency of spirituality increase the likelihood of being returned to initial-entry training? The study addressed several possible variables; among these were...

The Committee on Financial System (CFS), popularly known as Narasimham Committee, was set up in 1991 to make recommendations for bringing about the necessary reforms in the financial sector. Narasimham Committee appraised and acknowledged the success and progress of Indian banks since the major banks were nationalized on 19 July 1969. Unfortunately, the developments were witnessed only in the field of expansion and spread of bank branches, generation of huge employment and mobilization of savings rather than also in improvement in efficiency. Besides, corruption, fraud, misutilization in publi...

The Niger Delta is a prolific oil province within the West African subcontinent. Exploration activities have been concentrated in the onshore part of this basin, but as the delta becomes better understood, exploration influences are gradually being shifted to the offshore. Although the geology, tectonics and evolution of the Eocene-Pliocene sequence of the Niger Delta are fairly well known, these are expected to increase as new analytical tools and concepts evolve. This work was an integrated structural, seismic facies and stratigraphic study conducted in the Fabi Field, onshore western Niger ...

Surface tension is one of the major issues encountered in the oil industry. This study investigated the laboratory effect of temperature and impurities on surface tension of crude oil samples and water. The aforementioned tests were carried out (in line with industrial standard) on the samples in order to determine the relationship between surface tension, temperature and impurities and also to compare the variation in the measured property due to temperature and impurities. Prediction equations were also built. The results show that surface tension decreases with an increase in temperat...

The purpose of the qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological study was to explore the influence of leadership development or succession-planning programs upon women's progression to high-level positions and their continued success in the executive ranks. A qualitative methodology provided a detailed and rich understanding of the experiences of women in high-level leadership from the perspectives of women who have experienced leadership development or succession-planning programs. Twenty women in high-level leadership positions employed in for-profit organizations in the eastern United States we...

This research examines the string literature of American composer and violist Louise Lincoln Kerr. A biography of Mrs. Kerr is given, emphasizing compositional training and skill, her style of composition, contributions to musical organizations in the Phoenix area, and her donation of the Kerr Cultural Center and her manuscripts to the Arizona State University College of Fine Arts. Selected string compositions are examined for their historical significance, compositional style, performer accessibility, and significance to the repertoire. Kerr made use of Native American and Spanish folk melodi...

It is important for professionals who provide medical, rehabilitation, educational, and community services for children and youth with cerebral palsy to provide a quality medical home, family-centered, and needs-based services to address their needs and improve child and family well-being. Knowledge regarding determinants and unique profiles of needs for families of children and youth with cerebral palsy is limited. The aims of this research were to (1) test structural equation models of determinants of three types of family needs of parents of children and youth with cerebral palsy; (2) ident...

Multicarrier Modulation (MCM) has significant features over Single Carrier Modulation (SCM). Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a special form of Multicarrier Modulation with its key feature of Orthogonality. Along with the several advantages of MCM or specifically OFDM, it has some drawbacks, too, in which High Peak to Average Power ratio is the dominant one. There are different techniques available to lower that PAPR. Every technique has its own benefit as well as shortcoming, so each is suitable for different circumstances. Tone Reservation is one technique in which a s...

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