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The aim of this research was to investigate the perceived impact of ICT on Zimbabwean A-level science and mathematics teachers' self-directed professional development. The study was based on a questionnaire survey of 254 teachers throughout the country. Supplementary data came from 54 interviews. Some observations of teachers using ICT in teacher-centres, e-mail correspondence, and field reports also contributed to the database of the study. An analysis framework was developed through the use of grounded theory on the interview transcripts. The framework yielded 9 themes relating to the teache...

One of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries is diarrhoea, especially in the case of under-five children (Pruss et al., 2002 and Kosek et al., 2003). Effective home management of acute childhood diarrhoea with oral rehydration salt (ORS) is the immediate and best applicable step under the local circumstances to minimize the morbidity and mortality associated with it, as prevention of diarrhoeal diseases are mostly long-term socio-economic development goals. The overall aim of the present study was to assess the awareness of ORS in order to compensate the dehydrati...

This thesis examines the reception of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War in US foreign policy debates since the end of the Cold War. It begins with a background survey of Thucydides' use in foreign policy debates up to and during the Cold War, primarily by the realist school of international relations, and the comparisons which were drawn between the Cold War and the Peloponnesian War. After the Cold War, these comparisons became less relevant to current debates, and critics of realism began to use Thucydides to support their own theories. The emphasis is on how the three key movemen...

This thesis argues that there is a popular culture of space exploration characteristic of a wider Russia; its roots lie in pagan times and it grew through Orthodox Christianity and Soviet Communism to the twenty-first century, where it is actively promoted by Russia and neighbouring nations. The key influences stem from Nikolai Fedorov, Kontsantin Tsiolkovsky, Friedrich Tsander and Yuri Gagarin. The narrative of the twentieth-century Soviet space programme is considered from this perspective and the cultural importance of Tsiolkovsky to this programme is acknowledged. This is an alternative...

Teacher evaluation is an activity of assessing teachers' performance. It is equivalent to teacher appraisal/teacher performance management in England. This study explores the complexities of implementing Teacher Evaluation in primary schools in Taiwan. It concentrates principally on the development of Teacher Evaluation in Taiwan in the light of international research, especially that relating to the English context. The philosophical perspective with which this study is most closely aligned is constructivism. In particular, using qualitative methods of documentary analysis and interviews, it...

Wireless Metering Networks (WMN), a special class of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), consisting of a large number of tiny inexpensive sensor nodes are a viable solution for many problems in the field of building automation, especially if the expected lifetime of the network permits to synchronize the network maintenance with the schedule for routine maintenance of the building. In order to meet the resulting energy constraints, the nodes have to operate according to an extremely low duty cycle schedule. The existence of an energy efficient MAC Layer protocol, the adoption of a robust time sync...

The problem addressed in this dissertation research was the inability of the single-factor capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to identify relevant risk factors that investors consider in forming their return expectations for investing in individual stocks. Identifying the appropriate risk factors is important for investment decision making and is pertinent to the formation of stocks' prices in the stock market. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine theoretical and empirical validity of the CAPM and to develop and test a multifactor model to address and resolve the empirical short...

The study investigated the failure to integrate faith in daily work--a multifaceted problem important for interdisciplinary studies in religion and society. The Purpose in Life (PIL) test and the Engagement in Meaningful Work Scale (EMWS) were used to research how religious faith impacted work perceptions of mortuary college students. Students from Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service in Atlanta, Georgia and John A. Gupton College in Nashville, Tennessee were chosen as the respondents. The following research question was examined: What were the effects of religiosity on mortuary college st...

This study examined countertransference and other experiences of therapists serving suicidal patients. A survey was constructed to assess for aversion, narcissistic injury and similar iatrogenic constructs. Participants offered both Likert scale responses and spontaneous unstructured comments. Likert data were analyzed quantitatively. Content and phenomenological analyses were applied to the comments. The findings suggest that a substantial number of therapists treating suicidal patients experience negative countertransferences. The implications for training, treatment and supervision are disc...

This research defines stress and anxiety and explores the various signs and symptoms of each condition. In addition to defining each condition, the research investigates how the effects of a person suffering from stress and/or anxiety can affect work performance and workplace financials. One aspect of workplace financials discussed are the effects of workman’s compensation and disability claims. Additional chapters of the study explore various health conditions that can arise from excess or untreated stress and anxiety, an assortment of causes for stress and anxiety and some of ...

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