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Through the Department of Human Services in the State of Oregon, children with autism can access varying services, although, in the rural communities of Oregon, the delivery of those services becomes difficult. Rural availability is affected as members of the rural communities are less knowledgeable of the practices involved in administering effective services, instruction, and interventions to children with developmental disorders. The aim of this thesis is to identify areas within Umatilla County, Oregon where services and support systems are in place, or not in place. The population with wh...

This dissertation will discuss the uncertainty encountered in the daily operations of businesses. The concepts will be developed by first giving an overview of probability and statistics as used in our everyday activities, such as the basic principles of probability, univariate and multivariate statistics, data clustering and mapping, as well as time sequence and spectral analysis. The examples used will be from the oil and gas exploration industry because the risks taken in this industry are normally quite large and are ideal for showing the application of the various techniques for minimizi...

Financial reporting frauds and earnings manipulation have attracted high profile attention recently. There have been several cases by businesses of what appears to be financial statement fraud, which have been undetected by the auditors. In this project, the main purpose is to focus on the nature of financial statement fraud, and fraud schemes regarding to financial statements. The project also discusses common techniques used to detect financial statement frauds. Two cases of the fraudulent financial statements of Enron and WorldCom are analysed.

Processive enzymes are a special class of enzymes which presumably remain attached to their polymeric substrates between multiple rounds of catalysis. Due to this property, the substrate slides along the enzyme and reduces the time for the random diffusional enzyme-substrate encounters thereby increasing the efficiency of these enzymes manifold. Although structural information from many processive enzymes is available, the atomistic details of particularly the substrate sliding process, which is an inherently dynamic process, remain largely unknown. We take first steps to understand the slidin...

A significant volume of literature has been developed that seeks to provide an explanation for the growth of FDI and its impact on less developed countries. The literature is characterized by diversity and controversy. Based on it, a range of reasons for encouraging investment have been proposed including its favorable effects on employment levels, the balance of payments and balance of trade of the host country and also the potential for acquisition of technology and skills (Cave: 1982 and Dunning: 1993). Equally, the potentially negative effects of growing levels of foreign investment on dom...

Suicide has been declared an epidemic and rates of suicide increase within occupational subcultures experiencing increased levels of stress and trauma, such as law enforcement. Explored in the qualitative phenomenological study were the lived experiences of White, male law enforcement officers concerning perceptions of care by administrators and peers and the influence of mental health training in the incidence of officer suicide. The study population was chosen because of the resemblance to the segment of the general population deemed at-risk for suicide. Officers provided perceptions of care...

Asteroids are diverse and numerous solar system objects, from the large number of objects in the main asteroid belt to the relatively small near-Earth population. Understanding their physical properties is essential to understanding the evolution of the solar system, and asteroid morphology is a complex field in its own right. The histories of individual asteroids, and particularly near-Earth objects, reflect continuous interaction among their shapes, rotation states, and orbits due to the effects of radiation pressure. Radar astronomy has provided detailed information on the orbits, sizes,...

Ten vibrocores were collected from the outer, middle and inner part of the tidal flats off Busum (German North Sea coast) to identify the gradual changes in sediment composition and sedimentary structures due to their location and input of hydrodynamic energy. The outer part of the investigation transect includes Tertiussand and D-Steert, the middle part is the huge sandbank of the Bielhovensand and the inner part comprises the Meldorf bight. The study turned out that the facies in the outer part is dominated by sandy material and the bedding types mainly are small scale cross bedding and mas...

Recent talks have outlined the disadvantages of land based (agro-fuels) as feedstock for biofuels. This final dissertation for the MBA in Energy and Sustainable Development looks at these disadvantages and proposes an alternative scenario, i.e. the potential of aquatic alternatives. Aquatic Biofuels: New Options for Bioenergy looks at the potential of micro-algae and fish waste as feedstock for biofuel. Micro-algae come in different strains; strains differ in their composition some have more lipids/oils, others have more proteins and others yet have more carbohydrates. The chosen strain will ...

Chapter one argues for the important contribution that a natural law based framework can make towards an analysis and assessment of key controversies surrounding the practices of suicide, assisted suicide, and voluntary euthanasia. The second chapter considers a number of historical contributions to the debate. The third chapter takes up the modern context of ideas that have increasingly come to the fore in shaping the 'push' for reform. Particular areas focused upon include the value of human life, the value of personal autonomy, and the rejection of double effect reasoning. Chapt...

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