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The evolution, ages and masses of neutron stars are the fundamental threads that make pulsars accessible to other sub-disciplines of astronomy and physics. A realistic and accurate determination of these indirectly probed features play an important role in understanding a very broad range of astrophysical processes that are, in many cases, not empirically accessible otherwise. For the majority of pulsars, the only observables are the rotational period, and its derivative which gives the rate of change in the spin. I start with calculating the joint P-Pdot distributions of millisecond pulsar...

The economic hardships which have plagued Zimbabwe have led to the movement of the adult population who are largely parents to the Diaspora. This trend has created "absent parents". This study sought to explore the psychological and educational effects of this absent parenting on children with specific learning disabilities left behind. The researcher used a quasi-experimental design to collect data, specifically; the researcher administered a standardized achievement test, the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT LEVEL 1) to twenty-four children with learning disabilities under controlled condit...

This paper aims to analyze the relations between the European Union, the projection of its values through the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), and the contribution of the local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the process of accepting, internalizing and spreading the values of the EU in the Republic of Moldova. The context in which this paper is elaborated was set by Moldova's inclusion in the ENP, the political debate generated by the possibility of future EU integration, and the Communists' loss of power in July 2009. The main idea underpinning the entire research process is that...

The aim of this study was to establish what is known about the treatment of schizoid personality disorder using psychodynamic psychotherapies, by conducting a systematic review of the literature. The limitations of this approach are set out, followed by an account of the development of the use of the term in descriptive psychiatry and the psychodynamic literature. The inclusion criteria used were studies in English and of adults, that had a methodology, had confirmed a diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder in the subject during the study, that used any type of psychodynamic approach, and ...

Semi-strong form efficiency is generally supported by event studies, especially these on daily returns testing the market's reaction to accounting earnings. Nevertheless, the Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift (PEAD) anomaly, being inconsistent with semi-strong form efficiency, seems to have survived robustness tests through the years. This paper examines the reaction of ATHEX in response to fiscal year 2006 annual earnings announcements of 20 high capitalisation companies. The common event study methodology is being used in order to define expected returns and trace the abnormal performance of ...

This study examined factors and perceptions that influenced the implementation of computer technology in fourth and fifth grade classrooms. Change theory provided a framework for examining the differences exhibited between teachers who were identified as high-end users, midlevel users, and low-end users of technology. Computer usage of 20 teachers was identified based on their responses to a questionnaire and interviews. The low-end users' pedagogical styles were reflective of teacher-centered instructional methodologies, while high-end and midlevel users' pedagogical styles were student-c...

Realism contends that conflict is intrinsically linked to natural resource endowment. This is the basis upon which the 'resource curse' theory is premised. Idealists on their part however view natural resource endowment as an avenue for economic growth and improved social and economic welfare of resource-rich communities. Their strong belief in the progressive potential of natural resources underpins the 'rentier state' theory. Soon after the discovery of a 'world class' oil deposit in Amuru district in northern Uganda, the 'black gold' discovery has quickly proved its unpleasant consequenc...

The purpose of the qualitative case study was to explore and identify the patterns and types of obstacles women in the information technology (IT) field experience in advancing to leadership positions and to explore the mentor-mentee relationship of female organizational leaders in the IT field and its effect on the advancement of women to leadership positions. The sample consisted of two groups of women, one in leadership (10 cases) and the other in nonleadership (10 cases) positions, in the IT field in the eastern United States. Content analysis and NVivo 7 software were used to analyze the ...

The book sets out the development of gender politics before and after the revolution of January 25, with a particular focus on the period between January and August 2011 in order to analyse how women’s rights have been progressing during the transitional period. The book locates the Egyptian case in a broader analytical framework derived from a brief comparative analysis of women’s activism in revolutionary struggles or independence movements in countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Iran, South Africa, and Chile. This enables the research to underscore and highlight which strategies adopted by ...

Across all disciplines, research needs to follow certain ethical guidelines in order to protect participants from harm. These principles include autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence. Previously within trauma research, these principles have been adhered to by means of subjective assessments due to the absence of empirical data. This created difficulties in accurately identifying the possible costs and benefits of research participation in trauma studies. The Reactions to Research Participation Questionnaire (RRPQ) by Newman, Sinclair and Kaloupek (2001) is a recently developed empirically ...

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