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When politicians redistribute public wealth by privatizing State-Owned Enterprises ( SOE ), they divest themselves of public accountability, and profoundly affect laws, economics, and social behavior. Data gathered from respondents in twenty-eight countries including lawyers, investment bankers, bureaucrats, and educators, identify beneficiaries and victims of privatizing processes. Results are then explained by statistical analysis, concluding with compensatory arrangements that can humanize privatizing.

The dissertation studies the extent to which festivals, from a popular event for the masses, evolved into exclusive events, and shows how festivals affect society and are affected by it through practices in accordance with cultural democracy. Festivals relation to society is explained through the following concept-areas: 1. The artist's role 2. The use of festivals 3. The European example 4. Cultural democracy 5. Cultural policy 6. Active participation 7. Cultural tourism 8. The media The dissertation identifies cultural policy, active participation ...

This project defines the intervention of yoga therapy for perimenopausal symptoms of hot flushes, anxiety, and depression according to the principles of Ayurveda. This is important in light of research showing the costs versus the benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and the growing population of hormone users as the lifespan increases. The research shows that there is a basis for effective alternatives to HRT for women who cannot or choose not to supplement estrogen levels using pharmaceutical hormones. Ayurveda offers a diagnostic approach that includes consideration of a woman'...

The Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) of 1990 drastically changed the state’s entire educational system in ways of curriculum, governance, and finance. KERA has served as somewhat of a blueprint for reform legislation in a number of other states. A literature review revealed that traditionally the relationship between K-12 reform and higher education (teacher preparation) in the United States has not been very strong. Although the connections between the two were unclear early on in Kentucky’s reform efforts, much progress has been made in linking KERA to the teacher preparation programs ...

Polyclonal lymphocyte activation and hypergammaglobulinemia characterize the acute phase of Chagas' disease, a debilitating condition caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. Such pathogenic hyper-reactivities not only compromise specific host defense against the pathogen, but may also contribute to infection-induced chronic autoimmune responses. Characterizing parasite-derived factors driving non-specific immune responses will provide insights for parasite evasion of host specific immunity. This study shows that T. cruzi trans-sialidase (TS) is one such polyclonal activator for normal murine lymphoid and...

The purpose of this study was to investigate the general job satisfaction, intrinsic job satisfaction, and extrinsic job satisfaction levels of Directors of Classified Personnel in the 97 Merit (Civil Service ) Systems school districts in California that employ approximately 60 percent of classified employees. Also examined was the influence or relationship of job satisfaction to variables such as the Director's gender, age, highest degree (or equivalent) earned, years of Director experience, size of organization (district), responsibility for certificated only or both certificated (teaching)...

Context Mediation is a field of research that is concerned with the interchange of information across different environments, which provides a vehicle to bridge semantic gaps among disparate entities. Knowledge Discovery is concerned with the extraction of actionable information from large databases. A challenge that has received relatively little attention is knowledge discovery in a highly disparate environment, that is multiple heterogeneous data sources, multiple domain knowledge sources and multiple knowledge patterns. This thesis tackles the problem of semantic interoperability among ...

Students of organisation have used complexity theory in many different ways and for many different reasons. What characterises the writings of most ‘management thinkers’, however, is that the authors are primarily concerned with the question of “how to make this complexity thing work for us?” This study takes a rather different approach. Ideas and concepts of the science of complexity are borrowed to develop the idea that organisations live lives of their own – an idea that is very much at odds with the dominant view that understands organisations as tools that we use to realise certain goals....

The aim of this dissertation research is to develop an understanding of how components of the organizational structure, leadership structures at the top level and resource allocation decisions may affect corporate reputation as defined by the reputation quotient(RQ),and which aspects of running a company top management should keep an eye on in order to maximize the reputation of their company? Based on a literature review on the topic of corporate reputation and governance, which comprises the first part of the dissertation, a positivistic, deductive approach was chosen and a self-adminis...

The central focus of this study is to provide an improved basis for articulating the politics of transnational television and its potentials for improving relations among nations. In this context, the politics of transnational television means the decision-making process that determines the degree of freedom of the press tolerated by individual governments and how that could affect broadcasting mode and attitudes toward other nations.The motivation for this research stems from a conviction that the cultural imperialism perspective on the nature and modes of transnational television are erron...

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