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This dissertation seeks to establish that there is a renaissance of Thomistic Philosophy in the Post-Conciliar Catholic Church, specifically a reawakening of Scholasticism, as evidenced by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Veritatis Splendor. The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) ushered in a new era for the Roman Catholic religion prompted by the desire of Pope John XXIII to have the 2,000 year old institution catch up with the modern world and address current problems as well as present the ancient faith in contemporary ways. Prior to Vatican II, there was a monolithic way to explain fait...

Since its inception in the early nineteenth century, the basic tenet of dispensationalism (a school of Protestant theology which holds that God deals with humankind in different ways in different periods of time called dispensations) has been that the church and Israel are two sharply distinct peoples of God. The distinction is theological in nature; specifically, anthropological (pertaining to humanity), soteriological (pertaining to salvation), and eschatological (pertaining to last things). The tenet of theological distinctiveness has always been the cornerstone for the dispensationalist's ...

The purpose of this book was to describe the variables that contributed to the establishment of a charter school in an urban Arizona and rural California school district, noting the similarities and dissimilarities and disclosing the factors used to justify implementation of the Montessori theory of education. The secondary purpose of this book was to describe the guidelines for maintaining a charter school, the evaluation methods and factors used in the school’s unique experience with staff development. The two schools experienced many similarities when the same variables were applied to bot...

"This study is an early evaluation of the benefits of using the internet and information technology for Human Resources programs and practices by a sample of large public and private for profit and not for profit organizations. The respondents themselves were higher in transformational leadership. Additionally, those with higher transformational scores were more likely to use IT for Human Resources Management. The use of IT enhanced accessibility, timeliness, and HR decision making. We are likely to see in the years to come many more evaluated shifts of HR programs and practices from...

Modality is a grammatical, or semantic-grammatical, category. It is an important component of human languages. This is at least the case in most European languages. To what extent is it a near-universal? This thesis is to contribute to the question. It focuses on modal verbs in English and Chinese, two genetically and geographically unrelated languages, and analyzes what these two languages have in common and how they differ in their systems of modality. To achieve the aim, the thesis adopts the theoretical framework proposed by van der Auwera (1996, 1998 with Plungian, 2001) for the typol...

This hermeneutic phenomenological study explored leadership by means of accessing the lived experiences of leaders perceived as being philanthropian in bureaucratic, mechanistic organizations in Canada and the United States. Philanthropian leaders display the following characteristics: (a) love, (b) compassion, (c) caring, (d) altruism and (e) perceptive listening. The selection process relied on the criterion and snowball sampling techniques as means for choosing thirty participants for the in-depth interviews. After the transcription of the interviews, an analysis of the data occurred using ...

This text marks a little milestone in the understanding of the democratic peace theory in transitional states. It brings in a much needed perspective on the achievements and limitations of democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the role it plays or could play in the search for solutions to conflicts in the sub-region. The author provides a differentiated view of the traditional Western notions of democracy and its role in the search for political stability and nation-building. A series of fragile democratic developments in contemporary politics in the continent have set in processes of change...

This book offers not only a comprehensive analysis of the conflicts in Africa but also a milestone suggestion of what could be a breakthrough in attempts at resolving them. It suggests that underdevelopment lies at the genesis of most of the conflicts. The herein enunciated Developmental Peace Theory offers a more tenacious solution to the conflicts than the traditional Democratic Peace Theory. Conflicts would be avoided if Africans could concentrate on developing those aspects that protect them from preventable morbidity and sporadic hunger. This book is an interesting expose of the often...

Among the most debated archaeological problems is the repatriation of cultural objects that have been removed from the country of origin and then dispersed in Museums around the world. The need for the return of cultural objects to their homelands is not only derived from the people they belong to, but also from those they appreciate their value and have archaeological interest in them. However, there are a number of problems revolved around most cases, which prohibit the cultural repatriation to be achieved. The case of the Parthenon Marbles is one of the best-known claims for the repatriatio...

Radiative transfer of photons though a random distribution of scatterers is considered. The Boltzmann transport eq is used to develop a program to obtain real values of intensity based on a set of discrete time intervals. A Newton-Raphson method is used to determine a set of eigenvalues based on the boundary conditions and system geometry. A numerical method due to Lanczos is used to approximately invert a Laplace transform. The algorithm is designed for easy modification to more general problems. PART II: Eigenvalues for the intensity distribution from the one speed Boltzmann tra...

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