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The transition from locally-produced, whole foods to distant-produced, fractioned foods marks food consumption patterns in the United States and other developed nations. Chief risk factors for prostate cancer - milk, meat and vegetable oils – were examined to determine how modern processing of these foods has impacted the incidence of prostate cancer. Food consumption patterns in six nations with consistently low prostate cancer mortality were compared with seven nations with consistently high cancer mortality. Several of the low prostate cancer mortality nations included in this study h...

Human Papillomavirus has emerged as a distinct cause of cervical changes in young women. Its prevalence is continuously growing and is considered at epidemic proportions with 20 million Americans already infected and 5.5 million new cases reported annually. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tracking the Hidden Epidemics., Trends in STDs in the U.S. 2000, Atlanta, Georgia, 2000) There are known risk factors associated with HPV cervical changes and cervical cancer. These known risk factors are the number of one’s sexual partners, age at first coitus, smoking and use of oral contrac...

While "e-learning" has proliferated in our society, the problem exists that many corporations are delving into e-learning without fully understanding end users’ self-reported computer competence or attitudes toward e-learning or computers in general, which could ultimately impact the success of e-learning at an organization. Studies have been done to examine these phenomena, but the vast majority center around the academic environment, and many are deemed archaic due to advances in technology. To examine this problem, this research study’s goal was to develop a valid and reliable instrument th...

The study explored the perception of executive coaching among the chief executive officers (CEOs) of America's largest 500 companies as shown on Fortune magazine list of April 15, 2002. This study utilized an instrument of 12 questions. The questionnaire was sent to the CEOs of the top 500 American companies. A cover letter and a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope were provided. Attribute responses were coded and analyzed using several descriptive statistical tools. Out of the 500 targeted CEOs, 143 participated in this study. Seventy-six percent of the respondents demonstrated a good und...

Is there a qualitative difference between memory functions in adults and children? Given the relevance of memory processes for virtually every aspect of everyday life and the complex interactions between memory development and general cognitive abilities, surprisingly little is known about memory abilities in childhood. In four experiments with children aged 6-12 years and young adults, the developmental trajectories of two separate mechanisms underlying recognition memory - familiarity and recollection - were examined using event-related potentials (ERPs). Developmental changes were evident ...

This dissertation introduces a new design for a computer-aided algorithmic music composition system. Rather than exploring specific algorithms, this study focuses on system and component design. The design introduced here is demonstrated through its implementation in athenaCL, a modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition system in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment. The athenaCL system offers an open-source, object-oriented composition tool written in Python. The system can be scripted and embedded, and includes integrated instrument libraries, post-ton...

Scope of Study: The author of this dissertation surveyed psychologists in the United States to determine the forms of technology that are currently being utilized in their practice. Through the use of a survey, the study intends to show that technological applications are currently being underutilized in the counseling profession and there exists great potential for marketing new technology to counselors. The new technological ideas that were explored in the study included the use of computer aided diagnostic techniques, video-counseling and the use of a voice stress analyzer.Findings and Co...

Joseph Conrad's novella "Heart of Darkness" (1899) is taught and read all over the world. Everywhere, novelists and travel writers respond to it in their own creative work. I discuss 30 responses, or rewritings, from Africa, India, the Caribbean, Australia, Europe and the US. Their perspectives include those of groups who identify with Conrad's Europeans and groups who feel close to his Africans, and increasingly those of groups who situate themselves between these two extremes in various ways. I identify world-wide developments as well as themes, strategies and paradigm shifts that co...

Frontline employees represent the bloodline of an organization. This applied dissertation focused on development of a training program to improve skills necessary for quality student-customer service. Six research questions were answered. First, what skills are required to enhance customer service satisfaction? Second, what are employees' perception of attitudes and expectations relative to delivery of goods and services? Third, what action is required to improve employees' performance to effect customer satisfaction? Fourth, what content-- knowledge, skills, and procedures--are necessary f...

(Dissertation is written in Spanish.) Using PSpice of MiscroSim to simulate power converters sometimes brings awkward complications such as the simulation of real magnetic components. It deals a little bit of work to bring a good agreement between experimental and simulated results. Simulation with linear inductors or transformers does not produce good results. The reason is that real magnetic components present saturation and hysteresis, a phenomenon that characterises magnetic materials. The hysteresis or B-H loop of a magnetic component is highly dependent on frequency, waveform (not very ...

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