
Thesis abstracts

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Electric Cooperative Managers' Strategies to Enhan...
by White, Michael Edward
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The Chinese Space Programme in the Public Conversa...
by Thomas, Andrew
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Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibili...
by Valentin, Daisy
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Performance, Managerial Skill, and Factor Exposure...
by Avci, S. Burcu
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The Deritualization of Death Toward a Practical Theology of Caregiving for the ...
by Gibson, Charles Lynn
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Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles Exploring the Relationship between Emotional Intel...
by Olagundoye, Eniola O.
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Time for the Appeal Tribunal in Investment Arbitra... Lessons from WTO and Transitioning to the New Era
by Dulger, Ahmet
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Standardization of Quality of Life Core Outcomes i...
by Naerbo, Dori A.
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Bullied! Coping with Workplace Bullying
by Gattis, Vanessa M.
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Solution or Stalemate? Peace Process in Turkey, 2009-2013
by Yurtbay, Baturay