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Tourism Writing

A New Literary Genre Unveiling the History, Mystery, and Economy of Places and Events

by Palmer, Mary S.

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Year: 2018
Volume: 216 pages
ISBN-10: 1627342494
ISBN-13: 9781627342490
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In this era of advanced technology keeping students' attention often becomes difficult. Teachers need to find new ways to create interest. In writing classes, choosing a topic that involves students is a priority. A new genre, Tourism Writing, is an innovative and effective means of teaching students composition. It can fill this need.

Tourism Writing focuses on a particular place or event, provides photos and information on nearby points of interest, and directly invites visitors. This book provides an understanding of how Tourism Writing benefits people in all areas of life. This transfers to classroom assignments when students are asked to write a poem in this genre and they are given lists of possible topics, but they also have the option to choose their own place or event. It becomes a learning experience as many are amazed at their ability to write a poem and intrigued by the history they learn while researching and they treasure their photos used for illustration. Such poems were entered in the annual Poetry Writing Contest at Faulkner University. In the process, students' communication and research skills were enhanced. They learned the history of their own area. This hands-on process is rewarding to teach. The plan is to add prose assignments on Tourism Writing to the classroom curriculum in the future. The possibilities for Tourism Writing are widespread.


Palmer's book details the first economic blueprint for how cities and states across the nation can tap into this vast but largely unexploited new stream of explosive economic development. In a turbulent publishing industry, this book shows how university creative writing programs can generate a massive wave that will change the publishing market forever in a positive direction, while attracting private/public funding and interest for English degree programs in levels that have never been imagined.
Universities across the nation, along with economic development leaders, can use Palmer's book as a guide on how to train writers to promote their local attractions through the powerful medium of literature combined with existing sources that have never been harnessed together before.

Patrick Miller, Founder of the Southeastern Literary Tourism Initiative (SELTI).

The value of this book is found in author Mary Palmer's delivery of a wealth of information about an exciting new genre, Tourism Writing. Defining its place in literature by using multiple "real life" and sometimes touching examples, author Palmer describes unexpected positive economic benefits when authentic settings are utilized in literary works. Her book is a necessity not only for writing professors, but also for authors who want to enrich their literary endeavors! As a bonus, this book appeals to those who find enjoyment in learning cutting edge concepts, whether in writing, promoting an area, or just in general. Readers searching for something different, but entertaining, will also find it appealing.
Shannon S. Brown, President, Modern Study Club, Mobile, Alabama

I commend Ms. Palmer for bringing much needed attention to the uniqueness within the tourism industry across the nation. There is something profound in every town that needs to be featured and what better way to do just that than in literary format. Literature opens up the mind and brings the reader face to face with what is being described. In an academic environment tourism and literature fit nicely together and bringing the two together in a learning environment is a win win, in my opinion. As a result from Ms. Palmer's work, readers will gain a appreciation for underexposed tourism venues while becoming more aware of the economic impact tourism brings to the area.
Vinson J. Bradley, B.S., M.L.A. Huntingdon College-Director of Enrollment for Evening Studies

About The Author

As a world traveler, who has visited all fifty of the United States and every continent except Antarctica, Mary S. Palmer is uniquely qualified to write a book explaining how Tourism Writing benefits the big business of tourism. She is an accomplished, award-winning author. She graduated Cum Laude from the University of South Alabama and obtained a Master of Arts Degree with a Concentration in Creative Writing. She has had twelve books in different genres published, along with short stories, essays, poems and two plays. Her two most recently published books were George Wallace: An Enigma, a biography, and a second edition of Time Will Tell, science-fiction. In 2014, Raisin' Cain won the Southeastern Literary Tourism Initiative Award and in 2017, her short story The Concrete Block Wall won the Hackney Award. Mary is also a lecturer in English at Faulkner University and a member of the adjunct faculties at Coastal Alabama College and Huntingdon College. She uses incidents from her travel experiences in her books.

Also see Boyington Oak: A Grave Injustice by Mary S. Palmer