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Both public and private schools in the Philippines are using information technology (IT) as a tool to improve teaching and learning. While both government and private sector initiatives indicate national commitment to IT in education, there is little up-to-date information on how extensively the Philippines are using computers and for what purposes. The researcher s goals were to determine the extent to which Metro Manila public and private schools used IT and to determine how these results compar...

This study focused on factors that have positively influenced the model of economic success for commercial and thrift megabanks involved in merger and acquisition activities for the period 1990 - 1997, a period characterized by an unprecedented flurry of merger and acquisition activities among megabanks in the United States. This study identified and measured key independent variables for identifiable mergers and acquisitions among megabanks and tested the extent to which, such independent variables influenced abnormal returns for underlying equities traded in capital markets. This study also ...

THE ISSUE The immutable God and the God of Love? Are they compatible? Does God change? Does it matter? If God is the immutable God, as interpreted from Classical Christian Tradition, a God who remains unalterable, what is the point of prayer? Does prayer, or any of our actions in the world for that matter, have any effect on God? Can we move God? Is God simply a static Being? Is prayer of use if God is absolutely immutable? Does God respond to prayer or to our actions in the world? ...

This dissertation involves a preliminary study into the structural dynamic behavior of the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), located in the Flight Acceleration Facility, bldg 29, in Houston, Texas. The 50-ft. arm can swing the three-man gondola to create g-forces astronauts will experience during controlled flight and during reentry. The centrifuge was designed primarily for training Apollo astronauts. During operation of the centrifuge, the astronauts can control the motion of the gondola in two gimbal axes, while the gondola is rotatin...

This dissertation describes work performed at the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) during 1998-2002. Using PTI, we developed a method to measure stellar angular diameters in the 1-3 milli-arcsecond range with a precision of better than 5%. Such diameter measurements were used to measure the mass-radius relations of several lower main sequence stars and hence verify model predictions for these stars. In addition, by measuring the changes in Cepheid angular diameters during the pulsational cycle and applying a Baade-Wesselink analysis we are able to derive the distances ...

This thesis is concerned with the theoretical and practical development of reliable and robust localisation algorithms for autonomous land vehicles operating at high speeds in unstructured, expansive and harsh environments. Localisation is the ability of a vehicle to determine its position and orientation within an operating environment. The need for such a localisation system is motivated by the requirement of developing autonomous vehicles in applications such as mining, agriculture and cargo handling. The main drivers in these applications are for safety, efficien...

This study explores the emergence and development of the conservation movement in Argentina during the twentieth century. I argue that the development of the conservation movement has been linked to shifts in the broader spectrum of Argentina's political arena as well as the international political situation as nations competed for the sovereignty of newly acquired territories after the Indian Wars. This book explores the development of Argentina as a nation in relation to conservation of its natural resources as a counter measure to resource extraction. Thus, I establish the relationship be...

Se analiza el uso de redes neuro-difusas para solucionar problemas de clasificación y modelización. El objetivo es intentar combinar las cualidades de las redes neuronales y de la descripción de sistemas mediante Lógica Difusa. Las redes neuronales son conocidas por su alta capacidad de aprendizaje, lo que permite una adecuada generalización en el tipo de problemas comentado anteriormente. Su aplicación a problemas reales no ha dejado de crecer durante los últimos años. Por otro lado, la Lógica Difusa es una herramienta más novedosa, cuya propiedad más atractiva es la capacidad que pose...

Scope of Study: This dissertation investigates the effect of cost and dose on the hemodialysis treatment modality. This modality of dialysis is an alternative to renal transplantation for people diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. The mortality rate is used as a quality indicator of the hemodialysis treatment by assessing the quality of service in Colombia and comparing it with the quality of service in the United States. Findings and Conclusions: The hypothesis testing used in this research shows that there is a significant difference between the delivered dose of hemodialysis in Col...

(Complete work in Spanish) The doctoral thesis contributes to some related Management Control areas such us Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and the informal components of Control Systems. The objective of the research was to analyse how this process of business concentration may impact on the Management Control System of the acquired firm. For this purpose an alternative theoretical model have been developed from the review of Management Control literature and M&A in Management Accounting. This model builds on contingency theoretical insights and extends it with elements of informal control. T...

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