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Expert and novice problem solving has been a subject of research for many years. Problem solving of textbook problems and case studies in various domains such as math, physics, chess, music, system design, medical diagnosis, and business sub-domains have been the norm as the subject of this type of research. Few if any research efforts have undertaken the study of real world problem solving that occurs over an extended time such as those solved by industrial engineers in a manufacturing setting. This research studies the expert and novice problem solving performance in a scaled-world simulatio...

The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce a general reading audience to the major themes found in the fiction of Richard Powers with an emphasis on his use of science. For Powers, science is something more than the accumulation of technical data and the proliferation of theories developed to explain physical phenomena. It is an evolving body of knowledge which has important insights to contribute into the conditions which ground human experience The close and often detailed discussions of contemporary issues in science which Powers incorporates into his fiction indicate the extent to wh...

This study investigated the distribution of Reactive Tokens in natural conversation by male and female speakers of Japanese. According to Clancy et al. a reactive token (RT) is “a short utterance produced by an interlocutor who is playing a listener’s role during the other interlocutor’s speakership” (1996, p. 355). Clancy et al. classify RTs into five types: backchannels, reactive expressions, collaborative finishes, repetitions, and resumptive openers. This study investigated the distribution of these five types of RTs. In particular, it studied their use in turn management and their distrib...

Spiritual healing modalities are powerful tools, which enhance holistic and allopathic methods in caring for special needs children. This research paper explores four methods of spiritual healing, which benefit disabled children on all levels of existence. The spiritual healing techniques of Touch Therapy, Sound Therapy, Channeling and Love Therapy address the unique mind-body-spirit requirements of the pediatric special needs community. Spiritual healing empowers parents and caretakers to take the responsibility of healing into their own homes and to enhance communication with their child ...

Shamanism, hypnosis, imaginal psychotherapies, and meditation are based on the use of what we in the modern western world think of as non-ordinary human consciousness. These four modalities have fundamental similarities and differences in purpose, theory, technique, type of alternative consciousness, and their application of non-ordinary reality. Shamanism, the oldest and most intertwined with the cultures in which it is practiced, will be explored as a model for individual healing and transformation and professional training. The shamanic way will also be explored as a model of consciousness ...

The Priority Method evolved from theories from first and second language acquisition and child language development. Along with error analysis theories, technical advances in equipment have allowed the Priority Method to offer a complete language diagnostic, analysis and training format. Its significant variation from all previous SLA pedagogy is that it concentrates on areas of weakness, prioritizing common areas of transitional errors from L1 to L2, that commonly occur in the phonetic production and delivery of the ESL student, and focuses on the key areas that have significant sociolinguist...

A study of professional women was initiated to determine if herbal adaptogens have any effect on improving resiliency for coping with stress. An herbal adaptogen is an herb that helps the body adjust to difficult or extreme circumstances (Derrida, 2004). An iridology assessment was completed to define the subjects’ genetic profile for resiliency. It was hypothesized that if the person were genetically resilient, herbal adaptogens would not be effective, as their stress-handling capabilities were naturally strong. Through resiliency questionnaires, a positive improvement in the ability to manag...

This causal-comparative study explores the acculturation and its affects on the psychodynamics of first generation Arab-American Muslim women born and raised in the United States. Torn between the Old World customs of their parents and modern American traditions, first generation Arab-American Muslim women face a major identity challenge in trying to balance their two worlds. Developmental psychologist E.H. Erikson (1970) proposed a theory of psychosocial development based on six basic concepts: stages of development, developmental task, psychosocial crisis, the central process for reso...

Past studies have been done on the effects specific foods have on the adrenal glands and other hormones. This study is concerned with the combined effect that a well-rounded, healthy, nutrient-dense food program while eliminating the use of selected substances known to alter hormones, such as alcohol, caffeine, soy, hormone-laced meat, common allergy foods, would have on the adrenal glands and specific hormones. The investigator studied six individuals that had never been on hormone replacement therapy and were on a less than optimal diet. One post-menopausal woman, four menstruating women, a...

This thesis, examining the Treatise of Garcia of Toledo, explores the connection between the legend of Cockaigne and its connection with the powerful monastic foundation of Cluny. The Treatise was written as a condemnation of Cluniac influence in 11th and 12th century Spain.

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